Saturday 9 February 2013

More like the tortoise.....

Hello All

Well as you will see from my post title things with my jewellery shop on Folksy aren't moving as swiftly as i would have new range takes a long time to make as its very fiddly and i also missed the postman with my latest delivery of supplies and havent got time to collect it from the PO until tomorrow evening! :(

So...this weekend I have been unable to craft as I have ran out of supplies...I only bought enough the first time round for one bracelet and one necklace to check my design idea worked and check that I liked it before I went crazy and purchased loads of supplies!!

I have however, managed to drag my old jewelley supplies organiser boxes back out of the garage and started organising my supplies for my new range again and had a good clear out of anything that is of no further use to me as my new range is very specific...

I have to say I am oh so pleased with the first pieces for my new range and I love my new 'theme' that will run through all of the ranges for my new shop.  I feel I have really progressed and I am finally making jewellery that is a true expression of my character and that of those that will choose to wear my creations.

I hope to have enough items to list in my Folksy shop within 4 soon as I have listed items in my shop again I will be back in the forums on Folksy getting my name back out there and getting my followers numbers up again hopefully! I dont see the point in doing it whilst my shop is still empty. for day to day day job is still good, I love it. ( I feel so lucky everytime I say that).  I am up early todayto get my blog updated to at least try and help with one of my new years resolutions and also get my house cleaned!!  All of this wet weather and snow has made my garden like a mud pit..that...mixed with a very energetic dog and a cream carpet is proving to me a very irritating mix!!

Then later on i'm off to my mums for dinner...yesterday I managed to meet up with four friends for a chatter over a gingerbread latte at Costa which was lovely...I really dont spend enough time catching up with friends...its so easy to get carried away with everyday life, work, the gym, walking the dog, making jewellery, shopping, cleaning...the lists are so long that time with friends and family dont get enough time..but really when you look at that list they should be at the top of it!!

This I am going to try and work on...I have two very good friends back in Nottinghamshire that I really need to catch up with too..after pay day at the end of the month I am going to get making some plans!!

So...i'll add 'making time for friends and family' to my list of's the gruesome truth over my resolutions again!!

The Gym: Well...haven't been since last Sunday! I'm supposed to go Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays
                  & Sundays, I aim to start again this Tuesday...
Weight:     Possibly a side effect from my lack of gym...i have stayed exactly the same again!!
Posititvity:Trying to progress on this one, i think its going well...
Jewellery: Well...i would like to have my shop back up and running by now but the ball is rolling
                  and i'm still managing to update my blog weekly so i'm pleased:)
CIPS:        I have received my basic cert!! Yippee!!  I now have to fill out my application, send it off
                  & wait to see if its approved so watch this space...
Money:     Things are oh so tight this month, super tight, I am sooo desperate for some new clothes
                  and im not just saying that...i really am, i havent bought  new item of clothing for just over
                  a year!!  I am really trying to resist the urge although it is genuinely a need now and not a
                  want so i may have to give in on this one but i'm trying to wait until after pay day!
Holiday:    Still determined to get one in this year..prob September time...

So...theres my recap...

Until next week...

Speak Soon

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